Monday, November 28, 2011

Decorating The Christmas Tree

Sooo exciting decorating for Christmas!!  I love this time of year so much.  Clark could hardly contain his excitement pulling out all the ornaments and stuff.  (he almost broke several)
So excited for Kalvin's first Christmas.  Its gonna be so fun having two kids this year!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!


Thanksgiving this year was so much fun!!  We didnt get to see as much family as we would have liked, but it was still an awesome holiday!  The weather was sooo nice, so we spent most of the day outside.
We did come insde eventually and had an amazing dinner and ate waaayy too much!
And then we ended up back outside again.
There were some pretty intense moments with the BB gun.. and some weird ones too.
Brad putting Clark to bed
And as is tradition, we celebrated Heather's Birthday and set up the Christmas tree
It got sorta weird, but we just went with it :)
You gotta love Thanksgiving!!!

My 26th Birthday

 What did I get for my Birthday??  I got completly spoiled!!  Brad came home the night before my Birthday and made me an amazing dinner with white-chocolate raspberry cheesecake for dessert.  I opened the gifts that he got me and he put the boys to bed.
The BEST present I think I got was sleep!!  Brad was up with the baby all night and then got up with Clark in the morning and I got to sleep as long as I wanted to.  It was AMAZING!!!  Then I woke up to heart-shaped pancakes and a bubble bath :)
Then we drove out to the valley for the holiday weekend, dropped the boys off and Brad took me on a date to see "Breaking Dawn" and to the restraurant where we had our first date.  It was a perfect birthday and Im soooo lucky to have such a sweet husband!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lazy Mornings

This is what I woke up to this morning... and most mornings.  With Kalvin's sleep schedule STILL so messed up, I tend to be up all night and sleep later than I probably should.  So I generally am going to bed when Brad is getting up to go to school and sleep until Clark wakes up and crawls into bed with me and tells me its time to get up.  I cant wait for Kalvin to be sleeping better.. but Im trying to enjoy our weird routines for now.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Veteran's Day Weekend

We had a really fun Veteran's Day Weekend!  We went to the free air show at Nellis Air Force Base.  It was so fun seeing Clark get so excited about all the "rocket ships" as he called them.
He held onto that flag the whole day!
Love this picture, cuz it looks like he is saluting :)
And even though those Jets were like crazy loud, Kalvin just kept on sleeping
Brad's friend from school, Tyler and his wife, Brit came to see the planes too.  They are expecting and got some good practice in with Kalvin
And Clark.  They had a great time racing until Clark ran into someone and fell and started screaming :)  He sure likes his "new friend" though!
Toward the end our liitle one finally woke up
What a great day, amazing family and wonderful country!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One Month

Last night we went to sleep with our newborn and we woke up this morning with a one month old!!  Can't believe its been a month already!