Sunday, December 21, 2014

Broncos and Baking

Well we started off the week with Brad headed off to San Diego.. sorta.  I guess he left Saturday morning.  I kissed him goodbye at like 7 in the morning and then he called me 5 minutes later and said that he had a flat tire and needed me to drive him in to Reno to the airport.  So I got all the boys up and rushed them out the the door and we somehow made it to the airport without Brad missing his flight.  Phew!  And I even went to Target and survived my first trip out with all 3 boys by myself.  Although Clark was grumpy and determined to make it difficult, the little turkey.

So anyway, about Brads trip... For his Dad's birthday in October, Brad's Mom surprised him with tickets for him and all his sons to go to a Broncos vs. Chargers game in San Diego together.  Peyton Manning plays for the Broncos and is a favorite for I think most of them, and is getting close to retiring, so they have all been wanting to see him play before that happens.  Plus, these boys just really love their boy trips.  Usually its hunting, but I think this one will be equally memorable.

I told Brad to send me a selfie, half joking, because Brad hates selfies, but he actually did it.  He doesn't look happy about it, but I was happy to get it :) 

He said that they had a lot of fun!  He really misses his family a lot, so this was so what he needed.  And the Broncos won, so that makes it even better. 

I sent him this picture just to make sure he missed us while he was gone ;) 

While he was away, we were sure to have some fun.  After we got home from Reno, we had some little friends over. 

These boys are crazy about Sadie and Lily! 

Sunday we spent the day being good and lazy.  I thought for a moment about attempting church by myself with the three boys, but when I didnt sleep more than 4 hours the night before, that idea flew out the window.  So we all napped and snacked and played and watched Rehab Addict.

And I worked with Jonas on him sleeping in his bouncy.  We are making progress.  He is a side-sleeper and sleeps much, much better on his side, so thats giving me about 4 hours at a time at night, sometimes even 5 hours! 

We had fun doing some Christmas baking! 

Over the week, the boys and I managed to turn out a ton of brownies, chocolate turtles, candied almonds and 6 different kinds of cake balls.  It was intense, but fun.  I always try to include them in the baking and during the process I always wonder why.. haha but then am so glad that I did in the end, because they are always so proud. 

It snowed on Monday and we were SO excited!!!! 

I sooooo wanted to take the boys out to play in it, but we were headed to Reno to pick Brad up from the airport, so we missed it.  Sad... but we were all pretty excited to see Brad, so we got over it pretty fast.  It all melted the moment that it hit the ground, so by the time we got back home, there wasn't a trace of it left. 

The rest of the week was pretty much just spent trying to catch up on laundry and sleep and house work.  Trying to enjoy my babies and our warm little house. 

Clark had his last day of school on thursday and he woke up to find that Guzzle the elf had packed his lunch.  His lunch box was full of all sorts of crazy things.  Aside from his normal sandwich and juice box and stuff, there were rocks, a bag of pine needles, candy, and a tooth brush.  He thought it was so funny and apparently so did all the other kids at lunch!

We got to go out and deliver a bunch of the Christmas treats to all our friends and neighbors tonight and that was a lot of fun. 

I tried taking pictures of Clark and this is what happens everytime.  He gets so grumpy and just glares at me. 

But I have learned that all I have to do to make him laugh is to say something about butts. 

Works every. single. time. 

And now I am sitting here with a tired husband who hates me taking pictures of him 

And a 6 week old baby who will not stop eating and is getting chubbier every second.  Seriously, if his eyes are open and he is not eating, it is the end of the world.  So I must go now and feed him yet again.  

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